What Types of High-Quality Protein Are Used in Syntrax Matrix?
Syntrax Matrix contains high-quality proteins that provide users with a number of benefits. Syntrax products are the most effective protein supplements on the market, containing the highest quality ingredients available. Syntrax products use promina whey isolate, which is the most refined whey protein you can get. Promina is a pure whey isolate, which offers consistency and a great taste. Their high-quality protein products are low in carbs and fat.
Common Protein Powders
Often protein powders contain the fat-inducing ingredient maltodextrin. It is a low-quality ingredient that adds bulk but no nutritional value. These powders taste chalky, do not dissolve in water and require a blender to mix properly.
Maltodextrin contains just one quick-acting protein. It is inexpensive to purchase, doesn’t taste good alone in a protein shake, isn’t convenient to use and offers no real benefit to the body.
Syntrax Matrix
On the flip side, Syntrax Matrix spent years formulating their protein powders to ensure they offer the benefits your body needs, provide the taste you crave and is easy to mix. Syntrax Matrix does not use inferior protein sources such as denatured sodium and calcium caseinate.
Syntrax Matrix only uses the highest quality undenatured protein sources available, which means that the whey protein we use at Nashua Nutrition has not been exposed to high heat. Instead, the protein is made using a process called cold filtration. It is a process in which milk is chilled before it is filled, causing the molecules of protein to stick together.
Our products are also the best quality you can buy because we mix four proteins: ultrafiltered whey protein, ultrafiltered milk protein, undenatured egg albumin, and glutamine peptides. While it may cost more to use better ingredients, the end results are drastically better. We believe in creating products that taste better, improve your overall health and help build critical bodily tissues and processes.
Our Four Quality Proteins
Ultrafiltered whey protein: The typical whey protein you find in most protein powders contains a number of impurities like lactose, sugar, and even ash. At Nashua Nutrition, our whey protein goes through filtration making it ultra pure. That makes it at least 90% purer than regular whey protein, removing all ash and sugar in your shakes.
Ultrafiltered milk protein: Again, when milk proteins are filtered, the end result is less sugar, no lactose at all, and more protein and calcium than non-filtered options. This means it is healthier for you, and much more beneficial because you are getting more of what your body needs, and less of what it doesn’t.
Undenatured egg albumin: When an egg is denatured, it loses much of its health benefits. Syntrax Matrix uses only undenatured egg albumin, so you get 100% of the benefits of egg protein.
Glutamine Peptides: Glutamine peptides are a form of the amino acid our bodies need, Glutamine. However, Glutamine peptides are more stable in things like protein shakes, meaning your muscles get the full benefit. Glutamine peptides help your body recover faster after exercise and they help the body build muscle mass.
Ready to give your body what it needs? Our Syntrax Matrix protein powders taste delicious, mix up instantly, and provide your body with pure protein. Check out the selection at Nashua Nutrition now to see our wide range of products.
- Nashua Nutrition