Followers of the Ideal Protein Alternative (IPA) Diet will want to have low-calorie, high-protein foods to help them through IPA Phase 1 protocol. Here are all of our IPA products that are UNRESTRICTED according to the IPA Diet Protocol. Each phase of the IPA Diet is essential to weight loss.
Don't forget, you can always use our super convenient IPA Protocol Calculator as well for all your ideal protein diet needs!
Don't forget, you can always use our super convenient IPA Protocol Calculator as well for all your ideal protein diet needs!
Ideal Protein Alternative (IPA) Diet – Unrestricted
HealthSmart Fruit Drink - Lemon Razzy - 7/Box
HealthSmart Fruit Drink - Peach Mango - 7/Box
Proti-Thin Fruit Drink - Berry Blast - 7/Box
Proti-Thin Fruit Drink - Peach Mango - 7/Box
Proti-Thin Fruit Drink - Cranberry Grape - 7/Box
HealthSmart Fruit Drink - Grapefruit - 7/Box
Proti-Thin Fruit Drink - Pink Lemonade - 7/Box
Proti-Thin Fruit Drink - Orange - 7/Box
ProtiDiet Liquid Concentrate - Tropical Fruits - 7/Box
Proti-Thin Fruit Drink - Lemon - 7/Box