
Nutritional Supplements for Bariatric Surgery Patients


Bariatric surgery has been a life saver for a large number of overweight people all over the world.  While the surgery can help in a number of ways, it is important to understand that changes do have to be made following the procedure, and certain nutritional supplements may be needed.  Because of this issue, certain lines of supplements such as Bariatric Advantage, and Celebrate Vitamins have been developed to help patients receive the necessary nutrition.

Regardless of what brand or type of supplement you choose to use following bariatric surgery, it is important to ensure you select a product that contains the following key nutrients.

Iron:  Anemia is a common condition seen in patients who have undergone bariatric surgery.  The most common reason for this is because of an iron deficiency that is said to affect twenty to forty nine percent of all patients.  It is recommended that bariatric patients take a good quality multivitamin that contains iron and/or an iron supplement for an indefinite period.  Those who regularly consume a high amount of coffee, tea, or soda can cause iron interruption which can keep the body from properly absorbing iron.  Doctors often order blood tests to monitor iron levels in post surgical patients.

Calcium and Vitamin D:  Bariatric surgery can also cause the body to have difficulty absorbing calcium.  While multivitamins do contain some calcium, those who have had this procedure will need higher levels to maintain health.  It is recommended that patients ingest between one thousand and twelve hundred milligrams of extra calcium per day.  These supplements should be taken at least two hours before or after iron supplements are taken.  Since there are many different types of calcium supplements available on the market today, it is important to note that calcium citrate is more easily absorbed by those who have undergone bariatric surgery.  Vitamin D also helps the body to efficiently absorb calcium, and it is recommended that patients take one thousand IU of Vitamin D per day.

Vitamin B12:  Bariatric surgery also impedes the body’s ability to absorb and process Vitamin B12 that is found in food sources.  Since the amount of Vitamin B12 that is needed cannot be obtained in pill form, an alternative means is needed.  It is recommended that patients receive shots of the vitamin on a monthly basis, or that it be administered sublingually every day, every other day, or each week depending on the dosage of the supplement recommended.

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  • Jenna