
News — weight loss

What Are The Different Kinds of Protein Supplements?

What Are The Different Kinds of Protein Supplements?

Foods like dairy products, meat, beans, and nuts contain protein. This macronutrient is made of amino acids, which are the basic units that lean body tissue is made from. Protein promotes healthy hair, skin, fingernails bones and muscles. Most health professionals state that whole food sources should provide the bulk of protein. However, protein supplements make it easier for people to get the necessary amino acids. Some protein supplements are better than others. Syntrax protein supplements are a good example of the best protein supplements available in the market. They are manufactured by the Syntrax protein power company. This nutrition firm provides the fitness community with the products for muscle gain and fat loss.
National Nutrition Month: Spring Clean Your Diet

National Nutrition Month: Spring Clean Your Diet

The winter season has been so cold. Trying to adapt yourself, there have to be some lifestyle changes you made. One of those changes might have included eating more often to feel warmer. To make the matters worse, you likely ate more refined foods. What’s more, you probably didn’t exercise much. As a result, you could be welcoming spring feeling heavier, sluggish and less attractive. The best thing is that you can adjust your diet and drop some weight and supplement that healthy lifestyle with products from bell lifestyle. To start this out, follow Nashua Nutrition guides and the following tips.
Finding The Right Gym For You

Finding The Right Gym For You

Maybe part of your renew you plan for the New Year is to work out and get into shape with a gym membership. However, before you do that, you might consider if a gym membership is the best way for you to get back into shape. Maybe your employment is already filled with daily physical labor, or you have a workout facility in your office park that you can use for free and never do. Even better you live in a decent climate that facilitates walking or running in a great outdoors park.
Pumpkin Seeds: The Super Food

Pumpkin Seeds: The Super Food

Well, who hasn’t as a child not had a box of those pumpkin seeds and enjoyed simply just sucking on them? In addition to the great pumpkin pies and puddings and the Jack-O-Lanterns that we enjoy around the fall of the year, it seems like the lowly pumpkin seed gets discarded as non-essential.
Enjoy The Beach

Enjoy The Beach

With the days of summer drawing to a close and the brisk chill of fall approaching, there’s little time to get to the beach. However, it’s still an option. Of course, when you’re planning to spend a day by the lake or the ocean, you’ll need food. It might be tempting to go with some prepackaged nonsense since, after all, its prepackaging will keep the sand off (and sand gets absolutely EVERYWHERE).

Seaweed: The Superfood

Seaweed: The Superfood

Seaweed food has a reputation of being extremely rich with minerals and different nutritious ingredients. Ever since ancient times, it has been used to prolong longevity and maintain health among the population. Because it is easy to obtain and abundant with nutritious materials, seaweed remains a popular nutrition choice to this day. Doctors and other medical professionals recommend seaweed for many different purposes, from treating cholesterol to weight loss.

National Nutrition Month: Adopt a Nutritious Style

National Nutrition Month: Adopt a Nutritious Style

National Nutrition Month (NNM) is a campaign on education and information regarding nutrition. Created by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, NNM is being celebrated in March this year with emphasis put on the choices of food we eat, the importance of making good food choices, sound eating habits, as well as physical activity regimes. NNM is simply meant to remind people about the benefits of healthy eating and adopting a healthy and nutritious lifestyle. It also aims at celebrating registered Dietitian Nutritionists and their contributions.

Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Eating

Breaking the Cycle of Emotional Eating

Human emotions can trigger a wide variety of responses, and different people handle different emotions in a variety of ways. While some people use exercise or call a friend to deal with anger or sadness, others may cope by turning to comfort foods. Breaking the cycle of emotional eating can be a difficult task—however, it’s not an impossible one thanks to tips below and including control snacks into your diet. Here are three tips to help break the habit of emotional eating.

Spring into Shape: Tips to Trigger Weight Loss

Spring into Shape: Tips to Trigger Weight Loss

You heard that Punxsutawney Phil declared that Spring will be arriving early this year?  While that’s great news for everyone who craves warmer weather, it also means that for those of us with fitness goals, we have less time to get toned and beach ready!  If that season-predicting groundhog is right, Spring will be here before we know it.  It’s time to kick-start our weight loss this year.

Holiday Weight Gain: Why It Happens and How to Avoid It

Holiday Weight Gain: Why It Happens and How to Avoid It

Do you find yourself gaining a few extra pounds during the holiday season? Well, you’re not alone! According to several studies, ¾ of Americans’ weight gain happens during the holidays, and the average person gains 1-2 pounds during the season. So how can you avoid holiday weight gain while keeping your sanity around tempting treats and late-night parties? Below are some reasons for gaining those unwanted pounds and what you can do about it: