
Fight the Freshman 15


You might be a college freshman who is packed and ready for the school year, but are you mentally prepared for the health-related challenges you might face?  Read the following tips to help navigate the first year of college while sticking to a healthy lifestyle.

Some Causes of Freshman Weight Gain:

  • Stress
  • Lack of sleep
  • Cafeteria dining
  • Poor choice of snacks

Practical Steps to Stay Healthy in College

Have an Exercise Plan 
Raising your endorphin level is great for your body and mind. By planning out regular exercise times, you can alleviate any academic and emotional stress.  We suggest exercising for 30 minutes, 3-4 times each week.

Choose Active over Sedentary
Making little choices throughout the day can boost your activity level. For instance, use the stairs instead of elevators.  Take study breaks and physically walk around inside or outdoors for a few minutes to clear your mind and increase your blood circulation.

Keep Healthy Snacks in Your Dorm 
Keep healthy snacks in your room. For example fresh fruits, dried fruit, and nuts. Check out Nashua Nutrition healthy snacks and treats for some great healthy snack options.

Avoid High-Sugar drinks
Water is the best low-calorie drink option. For other low-sugar drink options, try Nashua Nutrition’s cold drinks.

Have a Strategy 
When dining in the cafeteria, try to find fresh fruit and veggies, whole grains, and other foods that are high in protein.  When choosing restaurants, check out their online menu to make sure they offer a substantial variety of healthy options (salads, fresh fruits/veggies, low-calorie soups, whole grain bread, brown rice).

Prioritize Sleep
Studies have proven that lack of sleep contributes to weight gain.  This is because quality and amount of sleep directly impact your body’s hormone level, which in turn impacts your appetite.  Getting enough sleep (experts recommend 6-8 hours a night) will stabilize your body’s hormones, which in turn, will stabilize your food cravings.

Ask a few friends for accountability with exercise and eating goals.  There are also smartphone apps that help the health-conscious by listing calories.

The post Fight the Freshman 15 appeared first on Nashua Nutrition Blog.

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