
Tasty Memorial Day Treats

Tasty Memorial Day Treats

Tasty Memorial Day Treats

In celebration of the Memorial Day on the 29th of May, it is already customary that people celebrate it with a picnic in the park or a gathering. So, you are in for a sumptuous celebration. Eating healthy recipes in this kind of occasion can be quite tough due to the attractive appeal of the cuisines that are displayed on the table. However, it is possible. When you are focused on your health, you will always find ways of eating sumptuously healthy.

Nashua Nutrition online shop offers a scrumptiously healthy collection of food. Kay’s Naturals section is among their popular healthy food lines that you can choose. You can also include a pack of one or two protes protein chips from Nashua Nutrition website.

So, you see, you don’t need to be sad and blue if you are on a diet because you have a lot of food choices. Other healthy tasty options that you can serve on Memorial Day can include the following listed below.

  • Healthy Cupcakes

You can have strawberry, blueberry yogurt cupcakes with red and white touches. This ingredient has lower calories of 100.You can improvise, and make your cupcakes look attractively delicious. You can get the sound bites from Kay’s Naturals section on Nashua Nutrition site to put as toppings on your cupcakes.

  • Trifle Fun

You can also create a trifle with the use of red, white and blueberry. The latter is known for a lot of nutritional contents. It looks nice, tastes good, and healthy. It is perfect for the Memorial Day gathering.

  • Mouthwatering Cookies

You can also go for skinny chocolate flavored chip cookies, which don’t need any butter or oil. You can mix it up with either Kay’s Naturals or protes protein chips from Nashua nutrition sections.

  • Delectable Grilled Shrimps Skewers

You can get that tasty grilled shrimps skewers with pesto ingredient. You will never go wrong with grilled shrimps. It’s a delicious, healthy treat.

  • Sumptuous Black Bean Salad

For salad lovers, you can make this beautiful treat of a southwestern style of black bean salad. You can prepare this for your Memorial Day gathering because you can feed quite a few crowds with this dish. It is perfect if you pair it with a side dish or chips.

Check out Nashua nutrition’s protes protein chips. It’s a healthy recipe. You don’t only need the savory flavor but as well as the health benefits that come with it.

These are just a few of the healthy ingredients and recipes that you can prepare for the Memorial Day celebration.

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