
News — nutrition


Walk to a Healthier You!

Today is the 9th annual National Walking Day. For the past 9 years, the American Heart Association has claimed the first Wednesday in April as National Walking Day. National Walking Day was created by the American Heart Association’s “My Heart, My Life” initiative to push Americans to adopt a healthier lifestyle.

Shutdown, Slim Down: Weight, Sleep and Stress

Shutdown, Slim Down: Weight, Sleep and Stress

Answer this question: when was the last time you got a good night’s sleep? Not sure? Would you be surprised to know that many Americans exist in a state of chronic sleep deprivation?

National Nutrition Month: Plan to Better Health

National Nutrition Month: Plan to Better Health

Let’s be honest, shall we? We all know we could eat better if we had the time and the motivation. But time is lacking, and it’s hard to get motivated when you’ve made big changes before and experienced less than stellar results. If you’re tired of the vicious yo-yo cycle, you need something more realistic: small, attainable goals that build on each other to produce big results.

Bedtime Bites: Best PM Snacks

Let’s be honest: everyone loves to eat, and we learn very early on that snack foods are pleasurable. Whether they’re sweet, salty, or cheesy, snack foods are tasty and calorically hefty, and they’re a huge driving force of the obesity epidemic. The average American consumes 500 calories from food and beverages consumed between meals each day (586 for men and 421 for women, respectively). If you’re in need of only 80% of those calories, that’s an extra ten pounds a year!