
News — healthy diet

Great Fall Soups

Great Fall Soups

With the brisk chill of fall settling into your bones and plenty of flavorful produce being sold at farmers’ markets and other venues, the time is just right for trying out warm, delicious soups. Now is the time to stock up on ingredients before the start of winter (and the end of farm fresh produce for another several months) as well as to test drive a few recipes before the holidays.
Pumpkin Seeds: The Super Food

Pumpkin Seeds: The Super Food

Well, who hasn’t as a child not had a box of those pumpkin seeds and enjoyed simply just sucking on them? In addition to the great pumpkin pies and puddings and the Jack-O-Lanterns that we enjoy around the fall of the year, it seems like the lowly pumpkin seed gets discarded as non-essential.
Yummy Fruit Salad

Yummy Fruit Salad

Nothing beats the heat of summer like a nice bowl of fresh, chilled fruit. There are a variety of combinations to try out, each of which helps you get the nutrients you need while being a delicious dessert or snack. Some delicious fruit creations to try out include the recipes in the article.

Be Healthy Like an Olympian

Be Healthy Like an Olympian

Possibly the epitome of fitness and physical skill, Olympic athletes aren’t just born with their abilities. It comes with years of intense training, focused practice, and healthy lifestyle habits that are designed to support their active lifestyle. When it comes down to it, it’s a matter of daily routine more than anything that keeps them in top condition.

Best Foods To Pick Up At The Farmers Market

Best Foods To Pick Up At The Farmers Market

The farmers market is a great place to find vast quantities of locally grown produce for sale, and you’ll often encounter items that are nearly impossible to find at grocery stores. You’ll likely have many options to choose from, though, so it helps to have a plan on what items to pick up in advance.
Healthy Foods For Flag Day

Healthy Foods For Flag Day

Flag Day is commemorated June 14th in the United States, when people celebrate the adoption of the national flag. Besides being a significant national holiday, it is a great time to go out with friends and family and spend a lovely day in sunshine and your favorite food and drink. Now, it is very traditional to prepare delicious snacks and spend an entire day with people you hold close to your heart while enjoying a beautiful day.

Healthy BBQ Foods To Try This Summer

Healthy BBQ Foods To Try This Summer

No matter the season, there will always be some lame excuse that people will give for not being able to eat healthily. During the summer, this is usually something to do with delicious BBQ at various celebrations and family gatherings during the summer.

Drink To Your Health With A Mango Smoothie

Drink To Your Health With A Mango Smoothie

Mangos are packed with nutrients that help you ward off disease and improve your overall health. Among the vitamins and minerals present in these tropical fruits are high quantities of vitamins C, A, B6, fiber, potassium, and magnesium, each of which promotes a particular aspect of your health.
Weeknight Meals That Are Healthy

Weeknight Meals That Are Healthy

If you’re like many working adults, you are most likely busy during the week and you may feel inclined to eat out at restaurants due to time constraints. However, if you want to eat healthily, your options may be limited in your favorite restaurants, so having a few weeknight meals you can make at home that are healthy can come in handy.

Pancakes: The Healthy Breakfast

Pancakes: The Healthy Breakfast

Few people can honestly say that they would rather have fruits and yogurt for breakfast when they are faced with some rather fluffy and quite delicious golden pancakes. Well, what you probably didn’t know yet is that you no longer have to bite your tongue and give up on your favorite breakfast as there is a way in which anyone can easily make healthy pancakes by adding Protein Powders into the mix. Thanks to the evolution of science these days of feeling guilty for eating the equivalent of carbohydrates for seven slices of bread are mercifully gone. Now you can fully enjoy your breakfast and not ruin the workout results from the previous day.